About us the 10 principles.

Beyond the self: being the nondual principles.

Welcome to NDLCA.

"Hi, I’m Youri. At NDLCA, we help coaches build a practice grounded in nondual principles. Nonduality is within everyone, and we focus on supporting coaches to serve others while growing their practice."

"I’m Katrijn. We founded NDLCA in 2024, combining our experience and passion for nondual coaching. We’ve authored books, hosted retreats, and provided training programs, all aimed at empowering nondual coaches in practical ways."

It’s About Us the 10 Principles.

"This isn’t about us—it’s about the 10 principles that guide everything we do. By focusing on selflessness, we keep attention on what truly matters in coaching."

"These principles help coaches stay grounded and avoid getting lost in tools or abstract concepts. They provide the foundation for an authentic, effective coaching practice."

The coach does not assume any position of authority or superiority (nor inferiority) over the coachee. Both are complete equals in the coaching process.

The client is whole, fully awake, and aware. The coach helps the client recognize and rediscover this wholeness, fostering growth without adding anything new.

Each principle mirrors all others. Focusing on any in coaching (in)directly engages the other principles, allowing both coach and client to experience wholeness.

Progress is driven by insights rather than new information. Nothing extraneous is added—true transformation comes from letting go of knowledge and beliefs.

The coach leverages the coachee’s mental resistance as a resource. This resistance is used to spark deeper insights.

Coaching unfolds naturally without deliberate intervention by a coach. There is no individual doing or acting; the process simply happens.

No judgments are held or shared. There is no correct understanding or right way to coach. Judging just creates separation, hindering the coaching process.

Coaching arises from nondual Awareness. The coach embodies this effortlessly, guiding the process naturally.

Coaching is a spontaneous, present-moment interaction with no set path. It evolves as a fluid dance between coach and coachee, with no goals or intentions.

Nonduality embraces paradox, encouraging the mind to relinquish control. Paradox is playful and points beyond conventional sense-making.

The coach does not assume any position of authority or superiority (nor inferiority) over the coachee. Both are complete equals in the coaching process.

The client is inherently whole, with everything they need available in the present. Growth comes from rediscovering this wholeness, not from acquiring anything new over time.

The coachee is already fully awake and aware. The coach’s role is to help the coachee remember and recognize this.

Progress is driven by insights rather than new information. Nothing extraneous is added—true transformation comes from letting go of knowledge and beliefs.

The coach leverages the coachee’s mental resistance as a resource. This resistance is used to spark deeper insights.

Coaching unfolds naturally without deliberate intervention by a coach. There is no individual doing or acting; the process simply happens.

No judgments are held or shared. There is no correct understanding or right way to coach. Judging just creates separation, hindering the coaching process.

Coaching arises from nondual Awareness. The coach embodies this effortlessly, guiding the process naturally.

Coaching is a spontaneous, present-moment interaction with no set path. It evolves as a fluid dance between coach and coachee, with no goals or intentions.

Nonduality embraces paradox, encouraging the mind to relinquish control. Paradox is playful and points beyond conventional sense-making.

The Mission.

"Our mission is to empower nondual coaching as a profession, grounded in 10 core principles. We believe understanding comes from within, and we equip coaches with the tools to offer genuine guidance."

"Our goal is to help coaches build a sustainable practice that supports deeper, self-led exploration of life’s big questions."

The Meaning of Selfless Coaching.

"Selfless coaching follows the 10 nondual principles. It means setting aside personal agendas and staying present with clients without trying to 'fix' them."

"By focusing on selflessness, coaches create space for clients to discover their own insights. It’s a practical application of our principles that helps coaches remain effective and impactful."

Explore & Grow with Us

"Curious about how selflessness fits into coaching? Test your selflessness as a coach."

"Ready to go deeper? Become an NDLCA Friend and receive our Insight Letter to support your growth. You can try it for a month."

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