About us the 10 principles.

Beyond the self: being the nondual principles.

Meet the principle-developers.

At NDLCA, we challenge the typical image of a nondual teacher. While you might not immediately think of the two people in the photo. We believe that age and gender are irrelevant to nondual understanding.

Founded in early 2024 by Katrijn van Oudheusden and Youri Hermes, NDLCA emerged from our shared passion for nondual coaching & leading. As authors of several books on the subject, we combined our unique perspectives to offer something fresh and impactful. Our journey began with our first online retreat in February, where participants valued the unique synergies created between the two of us, that is rare in the world of nondual exploration. Since then, we’ve hosted multiple group inquiries and developed a unique training program in nondual coaching, starting in September.

This page is about us the 10 principles.

Although this is an “About Us” page, it’s not really about us. You might expect the cliché now that it’s about you, but it’s not! When we center ourselves, we feed into the conflict that comes with separation. Instead, let’s embrace our sixth principle (selflessness) by focusing on the nondual principles, making them the heart of our approach.

NDLCA's 10 key principles: the foundation of nondual coaching.

At NDLCA, we have identified 10 key principles that underpin our approach and programs. These principles are vital for maintaining the effectiveness of nondual coaching. They help coaches avoid getting lost in abstract concepts or becoming overly reliant on a multitude of coaching tools. Instead, they enable coaches to develop their own methods, anchored in these foundational principles.

The coach does not assume any position of authority or superiority (nor inferiority) over the coachee. Both are complete equals in the coaching process.

The client is inherently whole, with everything they need available in the present. Growth comes from rediscovering this wholeness, not from acquiring anything new over time.

The coachee is already fully awake and aware. The coach’s role is to help the coachee remember and recognize this.

Progress is driven by insights rather than new information. Nothing extraneous is added—true transformation comes from letting go of knowledge and beliefs.

The coach leverages the coachee’s mental resistance as a resource. This resistance is used to spark deeper insights.

Coaching unfolds naturally without deliberate intervention by a coach. There is no individual doing or acting; the process simply happens.

No judgments are held or shared. There is no correct understanding or right way to coach. Judging just creates separation, hindering the coaching process.

Coaching arises from nondual Awareness. The coach embodies this effortlessly, guiding the process naturally.

Coaching is a spontaneous, present-moment interaction with no set path. It evolves as a fluid dance between coach and coachee, with no goals or intentions.

Nonduality embraces paradox, encouraging the mind to relinquish control. Paradox is playful and points beyond conventional sense-making.

The coach does not assume any position of authority or superiority (nor inferiority) over the coachee. Both are complete equals in the coaching process.

The client is inherently whole, with everything they need available in the present. Growth comes from rediscovering this wholeness, not from acquiring anything new over time.

The coachee is already fully awake and aware. The coach’s role is to help the coachee remember and recognize this.

Progress is driven by insights rather than new information. Nothing extraneous is added—true transformation comes from letting go of knowledge and beliefs.

The coach leverages the coachee’s mental resistance as a resource. This resistance is used to spark deeper insights.

Coaching unfolds naturally without deliberate intervention by a coach. There is no individual doing or acting; the process simply happens.

No judgments are held or shared. There is no correct understanding or right way to coach. Judging just creates separation, hindering the coaching process.

Coaching arises from nondual Awareness. The coach embodies this effortlessly, guiding the process naturally.

Coaching is a spontaneous, present-moment interaction with no set path. It evolves as a fluid dance between coach and coachee, with no goals or intentions.

Nonduality embraces paradox, encouraging the mind to relinquish control. Paradox is playful and points beyond conventional sense-making.

Balanced nondual coaching.

Nondual coaching can sometimes feel confusing or overly simplistic with phrases like “All problems are illusions” or “Just be effortlessly.” While these reflect philosophical truths, they may not resonate with all clients. Grounding your coaching in clear, substantive principles ensures it remains effective and avoids the pitfalls of oversimplification. This approach keeps your nondual coaching impactful and meaningful.

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