Loop 1: Gathering & Organizing
Apparent doing:
- Keep a living document of tools that resonate
- Note which tools worked in sessions
- Collect powerful moments from your own journey
- Record fresh analogies when they arise
- Document client breakthroughs and what led to them
While knowing:
- The collection is just a play of consciousness
- Nothing needs to be preserved
- Everything useful is always available
Loop 2: Reflecting & Refining
Apparent doing:
- Regular contemplation of your coaching experiences
- Peer discussions with other coaches
- Using AI as a mirror to explore variations
- Testing tools in different contexts
- Noticing patterns and themes
While knowing:
- No one is reflecting
- No one is getting better
- Refinement happens by itself
Loop 3: Dissolving & Emerging
Apparent doing:
- Let go of all methods
- Trust what naturally arises
- Allow fresh expressions
- Stay open to not knowing
- Welcome surprise
While knowing:
- Even this letting go is unnecessary
- There’s nothing to trust or distrust
- No one is allowing anything
The Dance Between Loops:
- Move freely between structured collection and complete letting go
- Allow each loop to inform the others
- Don’t get stuck in any particular approach
- Trust both the apparent doing and the non-doing
Practical Suggestions:
- Keep a “living toolkit” that’s regularly updated (see excel example)
- Join or create a coach discussion group
- Use AI to explore variations and possibilities
- Stay connected with experienced teachers
- Regular self-inquiry practice
While remembering:
- All methods are provisional
- Every approach is both useful and unnecessary
- There’s no one following any method
- Everything is already complete
The real art is dancing between these perspectives without getting caught in either the doing or the non-doing. Let the paradox be your teacher.