8 steps to directly determine your pricing for your nondual service:
- Write down what you currently believe you should charge for your coaching package (we recommend charging per solution/package and not per hour).
- Cross out this number and forget about it! 🙂
- Do some research on coaches in your region offering similar services. Calculate the approximate average of what they charge as best you can. This is not about being exact, just about getting a feel for a price.
- Using this as reference reprice your coaching package accordingly.
- DOUBLE this number. Coaches undervalue their services massively on average. This new number is your new standard package price.
- You then create 3 options from this number: 1) 25% less than standard price for those with lower financial means, 2) your standard price, 3) 25% more than standard for the generous who want to pay more to sponsor those with less.
- You allow clients to choose what they pay without questioning their choice.
- Realistically, 80% will go for the lowest price and that is fine. Your lowest price will still be 25% more than what you first thought it should be.
The pricing aspect brings us face-to-face with mental resistance. It’s interesting to see that, even when we believe we’ve integrated nonduality into our lives, our minds can still offer plenty of resistance. This makes sense because true nondual understanding doesn’t eliminate all challenges. It just transforms our relationship with them.
Determining your pricing can be a powerful meditation. It raises important questions like ‘What is my value?’, ‘Which price is realistic?’, ‘Am I comfortable with potentially scaring some people away with my price?’, and ‘Should I set the highest or lowest possible price?’. The nature of these questions and your preferred answers are already very insightful. It’s not just about the surface questions but about exploring the resistance they provoke. Dive deeply into these questions and immerse yourself in them.
Many coaches who start integrating nonduality into their practice often find themselves financially struggling. Why is this? Earning money for personal desires becomes less significant, reducing materialistic motivation and financial results. However, being able to sustain yourself is still important, isn’t it? Financial stability can mean different things to different people. For instance, if you need sufficient funds to live in an inspiring environment where you can for example write your book, you must adjust your pricing model accordingly. To get to this desired situation, it’s perfectly fine to increase your pricing. I’m not going to say you’re ‘worth it’ because that’s just cheap talk for boosting low self-esteem. If you struggle with self-esteem, approach it from a nondual perspective for some interesting insights.
As a coach, setting an appropriate hourly rate is challenging. You might charge per hour or use package deals. Business coaches often recommend offering value packages rather than time-based services. This makes sense! In nondual coaching, it feels strange to base your fee on the hours spent coaching. However, determining the investment based on the value delivered can be even more challenging. How do you determine value in nondual coaching? Unlike a marketing specialist, you can’t simply calculate ROI (Return On Investment). As a nondual coach, what value do you offer?
Being clear about the benefits of your service is crucial. Potential clients seek tangible gains, ranging from vague improvements in clarity to concrete outcomes like gaining more clients. You can make vague benefits more concrete with scientific research and statistics, emphasizing both to clarify the value for your potential clients. Tailor the advantages to the specific needs of your audience as much as possible.
For pricing, you can consider what other nondual coaches charge for similar services or what you used to charge. We prefer setting prices based on what feels right to us and what the client can afford. To make your services more accessible, you can consider to offer three payment options: budget, standard, and generous. Clients can choose the option that fits their financial situation. This way, your service becomes more inclusive and accessible.