Here’s a short, powerful visualization for us nondual coaches to use before client sessions:
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you exhale, feel the boundaries of your body dissolve. Recognize that what you are is not limited to this form, but is the vast, open awareness in which all experiences arise.
Notice how thoughts, sensations, and sounds appear and disappear within this spacious presence. You are not the creator or controller of these experiences – they simply flow through the field of awareness that you are.
Now, imagine your upcoming session. See that there is no separate “you” who will coach, and no separate “other” who will be coached. There is only this One awareness, expressing itself as two apparent individuals.
Feel a sense of ease and lightness as you realize there’s nothing you need to do or achieve. Your role is simply to be present, allowing wisdom to flow naturally through you.
Remember: You are not here to fix or change anyone. You are here to recognize and celebrate the shared essence of being that connects all apparent individuals.
As you open your eyes, carry this understanding with you. Trust in the inherent perfection of this moment, free from any need to control or direct the outcome.