Yes, you can be a nondual coach.

Discover the nondual coaching program: world’s first all-in-one course for coaches, by coaches.

Kat and Youri bring a practical and profound approach to experientially learning and knowing the nondual understanding. They are experienced and masterful teachers, listeners and coaches in that they meet you where you are and guide you to see and know yourself and the world in a whole new way. Their energies and styles are very different, which provides a multi-dimensional component that is so very appropriate working with this understanding.

A practical and profound approach

Peggy O’Neal



Meet the trainers.​

You want to integrate nonduality into your coaching practice. However, you’re unsure about how to make that work. Nondual coaching is both possible and powerful. It can be taught and practiced. We’ve seen it, and we’ve done it. We’re both experienced coaches and have published several books about nonduality.

Our slogan at NDLCA is “Where nonduality finds its home in coaching”. Once applied in coaching, nonduality turns out to be valuable and of service. While we apply nonduality to coaching, we don’t directly teach coaching or leadership skills. Instead, this program offers a nondual methodology.


Meet the trainers.

You want to integrate nonduality into your coaching practice. However, you’re unsure about how to make that work. Nondual coaching is both possible and powerful. It can be taught and practiced. We’ve seen it, and we’ve done it. We’re both experienced coaches and have published several books about nonduality.

Our slogan at NDLCA is “Where nonduality finds its home in coaching”. Once applied in coaching, nonduality turns out to be valuable and of service. While we apply nonduality to coaching, we don’t directly teach coaching or leadership skills. Instead, this program offers a nondual methodology.

As main benefits, you will develop ...

You possess a clear understanding of nonduality. However, conveying it to others can be tricky. In this course, you’ll learn how to bridge that gap. Your coaching will evolve to match the natural flow of your understanding.

Within nondual coaching, various approaches exist, each effective when aligned with your personal style and client needs. Discovering your preferred style is crucial, and this training will illuminate it clearly.

We’ve found through our experience that nondual coaching is achievable. Far from vague or overly spiritual, it offers a professional methodology characterised by structured guidance and ample room for intuition.

How can you transform your nondual coaching endeavor into a viable venture that serves? In this program, we will help you to develop a business plan for a financially healthy nondual coaching practice.

The sessions are constantly clear and to the point. Youri and Katrijn reflect in such a way that the mind becomes still, although that’s not a goal. What I experience when Kat is talking is a big light that shines on my beliefs. So clear, enjoyable and for me also very funny, because it’s so obvious. And it always comes in a natural way, words are just flowing between us and it’s all okay exactly the way it is. Youri has words for what is hard to talk about! Sometimes for me it feels like ’I need to understand it’ and if I don’t it would be a failure. That also shines a light on my beliefs 🙂

Clear & enjoyable

Kim Gritter

I find Katrijn and Youri to be complementary. Youri provides detailed descriptions, while Katrijn gets straight to the point. Katrijn speaks clear and concise language, always bringing you back to the core and asking targeted questions. She's a no-nonsense lady - fantastic! Youri excels in descriptive language, sometimes so much that I struggle to grasp it :-). He has a gentle and attentive presence.

Clear & straightforward

Ingrid Collewaert

The combined facilitation is complimentary and the movement between them both flows naturally and effortlessly. I appreciate how Katrijn encourages us to ground our inquiry, that which is hard to put into words, in our direct experience. I find it helpful when she continuously reframes my questions, or challenges, sometimes framing the question with the opposite. This enables me to 'see it'. Katrijn's presence is engaging, provocative, challenging, encouraging and playful. I like how Youri often brings us back to the 'here and now', enabling us to inquire directly into our experience in order to validate (or otherwise) the 'no self'. Youri's presence is quiet, calm, affirming and inviting.

Natural and effortless flow

Pauline Holland

The 6 modules of the training.

Each month, we’ll delve into one training module, focusing on a central theme accompanied by a key document. Each module spans 4 hours, beginning with context setting. Following this, we’ll engage with the shared theory creatively to integrate our understanding, leaving plenty of time for Q&A sessions.

Does every coach naturally practice nondual coaching, given that it encompasses virtually everything? Or are there specific guidelines to follow for effective nondual coaching?

Nondual coaching requires specific guidelines. We’ve developed the 10 Nondual Principles that serve as the foundation for a powerful nondual coaching practice.

Topics to be covered:

Sep 13, 2024, 14.00 – 18.00 CET

Can coaching still be effective without assigning roles to yourself and your coachee? We found nondual coaching can only be truly effective when roles are completely absent.

For this, we’ve crafted the Non-Positional Relating Check-up, based on intention setting. To ensure a deep understanding, we guide you through each of the 5 pillars step by step.

Topics to be covered:

Oct 11, 2024, 14.00 – 18.00 CET

What is nondual insight? Can it be measured, developed, and stimulated? These kind of questions about true nondual understanding will be thoroughly explored in this module.

We’ll introduce our Nondual Assessment Tool exclusive to this training program. You’ll learn how to effectively use the comprehensive NDLCA instrument.

Topics to be covered:

Nov 8, 2024, 14.00 – 18.00 CET

You want to integrate nondual coaching into your practice, but how? We offer proven nondual techniques to use as inspiration.

In this module, we’ll guide you through transformations and meditations from Youri’s book “Not Your Responsibility” and inquiries from Katrijn’s book “Seeing No-Self” to help you find the right techniques for your style and your coachee’s needs.

Topics to be covered:

Dec 13, 2024, 14.00 – 18.00 CET

Your toolkit evolves with your practice. You want to be capable of generating and designing your own nondual tools. We’ll provide you with insightful ideas to create a methodology that suits your specific style. This is based on our Tool Design Guide.

Being able to come up with powerful nondual methods on the spot, helps you to meet the needs of each coachee at any moment.

Topics to be covered:

Jan 10, 2025, 14.00 – 18.00 CET

As a nondual coach, your passion for nonduality is likely your driving force. However, it’s essential to ensure your practice is financially rewarding as well.

How can you turn your nondual coaching practice into a healthy venture? What type of marketing aligns with your nondual style? We’ll delve into it by discussing a nondual proof Business Plan.

Topics to be covered:

Feb 14, 2025, 14.00 – 18.00 CET

The 10 principles of nondual coaching.

The coach does not assume any position of authority or superiority (nor inferiority) over the coachee. Both are complete equals in the coaching process.

The client is inherently whole, with everything they need available in the present. Growth comes from rediscovering this wholeness, not from acquiring anything new over time.

The coachee is already fully awake and aware. The coach’s role is to help the coachee remember and recognize this.

Progress is driven by insights rather than new information. Nothing extraneous is added—true transformation comes from letting go of knowledge and beliefs.

The coach leverages the coachee’s mental resistance as a resource. This resistance is used to spark deeper insights.

Coaching unfolds naturally without deliberate intervention by a coach. There is no individual doing or acting; the process simply happens.

No judgments are held or shared. There is no correct understanding or right way to coach. Judging just creates separation, hindering the coaching process.

Coaching arises from nondual Awareness. The coach embodies this effortlessly, guiding the process naturally.

Coaching is a spontaneous, present-moment interaction with no set path. It evolves as a fluid dance between coach and coachee, with no goals or intentions.

Nonduality embraces paradox, encouraging the mind to relinquish control. Paradox is playful and points beyond conventional sense-making.

The coach does not assume any position of authority or superiority (nor inferiority) over the coachee. Both are complete equals in the coaching process.

The client is inherently whole, with everything they need available in the present. Growth comes from rediscovering this wholeness, not from acquiring anything new over time.

The coachee is already fully awake and aware. The coach’s role is to help the coachee remember and recognize this.

Progress is driven by insights rather than new information. Nothing extraneous is added—true transformation comes from letting go of knowledge and beliefs.

The coach leverages the coachee’s mental resistance as a resource. This resistance is used to spark deeper insights.

Coaching unfolds naturally without deliberate intervention by a coach. There is no individual doing or acting; the process simply happens.

No judgments are held or shared. There is no correct understanding or right way to coach. Judging just creates separation, hindering the coaching process.

Coaching arises from nondual Awareness. The coach embodies this effortlessly, guiding the process naturally.

Coaching is a spontaneous, present-moment interaction with no set path. It evolves as a fluid dance between coach and coachee, with no goals or intentions.

Nonduality embraces paradox, encouraging the mind to relinquish control. Paradox is playful and points beyond conventional sense-making.

What do you get upon enrollment?

This nondual coaching training includes:

Total Value: € 5,550

Choose the contribution you can afford:

Everyone has different financial situations. Regardless of your contribution, you receive the same package.


Save €2,555


Save €2,055


Save €1,555

Great blend of characters and energy. Youri is calm and relaxed, while Katrijn is a bit more directive. Katrijn excels at simplifying themes with everyday examples and humor. Youri is skilled at asking the right questions at the right moment. Humorous and welcoming, he adeptly addresses deeper layers of nonduality.

Dynamic duo

Ard van der Veldt

Katrijn and Youri do an amazing job in trying to describe the Indescribable. They often don’t give answers but mainly directions to find the answers yourself. Which is way more powerful, because than it can come from deep knowing, instead of a new dogma or concept to hold onto.

Directions instead of just answers

J. van der Meulen

I found the combined guidance of Youri and Katrijn very valuable to see things more clearly via different perspectives of both people! The directness and joy of Katrijn are infectious 🙂 Youri's calmness and wisdom are comforting and very unique.

Very unique experience

Twan Roubroeks


Youri Hermes ( and Katrijn van Oudheusden ( facilitate the training program. Both have published several books, including on nondual leadership.

We record all our training sessions, so if you miss one, you can easily catch up with the recording. Plus, you can ask any questions during a one-on-one call using a coaching credit. You’ll get a total of three 1:1 coaching credits to use whenever you need them.

We recognise that everyone has different financial situations. That’s why we offer a flexible payment system where you choose what you can afford. Regardless of your contribution, you receive the same valuable content and support.

  • If you are financially tight, we offer the possibility to join for as little as €2995.
  • If you want to pay the normal amount, you come out at € 3495.
  • If you can spare a little more and thus want to sponsor participants with low means, you pay € 3995.

Yes, you can. You have two payment options: either pay the full amount before the start of the training, or pay in two installments. The first installment is due before the training begins, and the second is due three months later, halfway through the training.

  • EU Consumers: The price of the training is subject to an additional 21% VAT.
  • EU Businesses: If you provide a valid VAT number, the reverse charge mechanism applies, meaning no VAT is charged. This mechanism shifts the responsibility of accounting for VAT to the buyer, simplifying cross-border trade within the EU and avoiding the need for the seller to register for VAT in the buyer’s country.
  • Non-EU Customers: The price of the training is VAT exempt as sales to customers outside the EU are not subject to EU VAT rules.

NDLCA’s training is for those confident in their coaching skills and nondual understanding but need guidance on practical application. Unlike other programs focused on experiencing nonduality, our training is based on clear principles and practical coaching tools. We emphasise non-positional relating, crucial for nondual coaching. Additionally, we include an essential module on the business side, ensuring you can build a financially healthy nondual coaching practice.

You can join our WhatsApp group chat to share your questions and access helpful resources for nondual coaching. Depending on the number of participants, we will also implement a buddy system, allowing you to work on optional assignments together.

  • Nonduality? No, we assume you already understand nonduality. You’re not a spiritual seeker anymore.
  • How to coach? Also no. Our participants are seasoned coaches.
  • So, it must be a combination! Not quite!

Many trainings focus on either experiencing nonduality or learning a coaching methodology, or both. But what if you’re already confident in your nondual understanding and coaching skills? What if you just want to integrate nonduality into your coaching practice?

In that case, you’ve likely realized something is missing. That’s why Katrijn and I developed this training to fill that gap. We won’t focus on gaining more nondual insights or providing another coaching methodology. Instead, we’ll offer everything needed to merge the two seamlessly. This is far from vague.

We’ve developed:

  • Clear nondual principles
  • A non-positional relating check-up
  • A nondual assessment tool
  • Practical nondual interventions
  • A design kit to create your own tools
  • A nondual business plan

Don’t worry, it won’t be overwhelming. On the contrary, it will finally connect the dots. With the right resources, nondual coaching becomes practical and viable.

You can book a free orientation call with Youri Hermes. He’ll answer all your questions. If you don’t have specific questions but want to learn more about the training before deciding to sign up, you can use the orientation call for that as well.

Curious about the training?

During an orientation call, we’ll explore whether this training will be the right fit for you. Please note that there is a selection process in place. The intake is free and without obligation.

Katrijn and Youri are skilled at pointing out the beingness that is beyond mind and then resisting the pull to move back to the mind to understand and make sense of it. They are able to stay focused on the elusive, ungraspable thisness that is here before the mind categorises, labels, tells stories about, and diminishes this magical display.

Skilled at pointing out

Mike Munro Turner